Photographs via: Twinkind
Far out, this is cool. Hamburg based company, TWINKIND has worked their technological wizardry involving custom engineered 3D photogrammetry scanning and a multi-camera system to produce photorealistic miniature models of yourself (or anyone else). The 3D miniatures measure anywhere between 15cm and 30cm and are made of polymer plaster powder.
What's awesome and unique about TWINKIND is their process. Unlike other 3D modeling companies that can take anywhere up to 20 minutes to perform a full 3D scan, TWINKIND's process only takes a couple of seconds and therefore means that the scans can be altered and rescanned until you're happy with the end result. This speedy process means that you can also scan your pets and toddlers and create an entire miniature family!
Having a miniature you comes at a price though with the smallest figurine starting from 225 Euro. So what do you think of that Herkshire Bathaway?