16 July, 2013


Photograph via: mark&henry

Photograph via: mark&henry

My own use of geometric textiles in our apartment in Kuala Lumpur

How talented are Sydney based design duo, Cushla McFadden and Jade Nottage from mark&henry? These Interior Architecture graduates have a real knack for marrying simple, geometric textile designs with interior products. The result? Effortless, playful accents of colour that entice focal interest within interior spaces. I think that there is definitely an art to being able to successfully combine "clashing (traditionally speaking!) prints and make it appear as "effortless" as it seems. For me, the successful combinations are a result of complimentary proportions, colours as well as the directional line and shape of the prints used.

mark&henry has an online shop that sells a small variety of the design duo's interior products. Check it out here!