It's the
15th of July and today I decided to start a blog.
In fact,
it's something that i've been thinking of doing for a while and have probably
been putting off for even longer. I guess i've had a crisis of consciousness
regarding the egomaniacal nature of a blog. It's something about the abnormal
and extreme egocentrism coupled with the obsessive preoccupation with one's
self but even worse - the expectation that random people are going to give a
fuck about your opinion or better yet, agree with it that has always gotten
to me.
on the flip-side and what is appealing, is that fundamentally the blogging
medium offers the opportunity for so many hidden, creative minds to expose
their talents and opinions in a way which might not have otherwise been
possible. And I think that's pretty awesome. So, as much as the blog is the new
tool for the raving egomaniacal authors out there in inter-web land, it's also
a place where like-minded individuals can come together and celebrate whatever
their common interests may be.
Or maybe, it's just not that deep.
Whatever it is or means to you, this is a blog about aesthetics. About (but not limited to) colour, spaces, interiors,
photography, flowers, puppies and/or design. If you enjoy any of these things also, then you could check-in once in
a while and we could be blog friends. Right now, I'm really enjoying Mia Josefsson's blog. I came across it recently
and I think it's beautiful. She has such a talented eye for composition - both photographically and spatially speaking. Peep her blog in the link above!